When Should You Stop Training?

As with intensity and frequency of training, there are no exact guidelines determining when training should be stopped. We recommend the “power of 5” principle described above – completing at least five sets of five repetitions for five weeks. It is, however, interesting to note that we have witnessed patients become increasingly stronger where training…

How Do You Determine Intensity and Frequency of Training

Three important variables guide strength training: intensity, volume, and frequency. In an attempt to develop training guidelines based on existing studies, researchers in respiratory training modeled their guidelines off existing limb training research. Most respiratory training paradigms, for example, follow the limb strength training principle – that training is completed at 75-80% of the limb’s…

Who Should NOT Participate in Respiratory Training?

As with any form of training, patients should consult a medical professional to determine whether the selected training is suitable. In our opinion, respiratory training devices should not be used in individuals who have suffered or suffer from an acute stroke, untreated hypertension, untreated gastroesophageal reflux, reactive airway disease (like asthma), and women who are…

Is There Any Research to Support the Use of Respiratory Devices?

Yes, respiratory muscle strength training has been studied since the late 1970s. Leith and Bradley conducted initial research. Others followed with research into the use of respiratory muscle strength training programs for athletes and patients with spinal cord injuries, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and neurodegenerative disorders. The EMST150™ research team started investigating how patients with…

Why Should I use a Respiratory Device?

Respiratory muscle strength training devices, whether threshold or resistance devices are simple training aids that can be used to build strength in the muscles we use to inhale and exhale over a relatively short period of time. There is no machine at the gym or health club to accomplish this kind of strength training for…