Speech breathing swallow issues

Effects of expiratory muscle strength training on swallowing function in acute stroke patients with dysphagia

Article Highlights Conducted to identify the effects of expiratory muscle strength training on swallowing function in acute stroke patients with dysphagia Stroke is known to be a common cause of neurological diseases and disorders that cause swallowing disorder Acute stroke patients with dysphagia were monitored and examined to determine the effects of EMST. The specific…

Jogger running up steps

High-Intensity Respiratory Muscle Training Improves Strength and Dyspnea Post-Stroke

Article Highlights Examine whether high-intensity home-based RMST delivered more frequently and for a longer duration would increase the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles, reduce dyspnea and respiratory complications, and improve walking capacity post-stroke. High-intensity home-based respiratory muscle training was effective in increasing the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles and reducing dyspnea…

Collage of people with sleep apnea and snoring issues.

EMST to improve deglutition and cough functions

Early on in my career, I was drawn to the wondrous world of swallowology.  I have always been amazed with the intricacy of the neural muscular underpinnings of deglutition and the power of neural plasticity through rehabilitation.  Evidence of improved swallow function with application of exercise physiology and neural plasticity principles has been shown in…