No-Leak Speaking Valves and Respiratory Muscle Training: A Perfect Pairing for Early Intervention in the ICU

Research supports the use of respiratory muscle training (RMT) to improve ventilator weaning outcomes, swallow safety, and cough strength (Pitts et al., 2009; Elkins & Dentice, 2015). The use of a no- leak speaking valve, such as the Passy Muir ®Valve (PMV®), allows patients with tracheostomies, even those who are ventilator-dependent, to participate in expiratory…

Collage of people with sleep apnea and snoring issues.

EMST to improve deglutition and cough functions

Early on in my career, I was drawn to the wondrous world of swallowology.  I have always been amazed with the intricacy of the neural muscular underpinnings of deglutition and the power of neural plasticity through rehabilitation.  Evidence of improved swallow function with application of exercise physiology and neural plasticity principles has been shown in…