supracricoid partial laryngectomy surgery

The safety and efficacy of expiratory muscle strength training for rehabilitation after supracricoid partial laryngectomy

Article Highlights First report of EMST intervention after supracricoid partial laryngectomy (SCPL). The clinical pilot study was undertaken to determine the safety and efficacy of a 4-week treatment program Most participants found the device easy to use and beneficial Demonstrated improvement in two measures: Increase in peak cough flow and decrease on the Dyspnea index…

Transparent skull model

Expiratory muscle strength training for radiation-associated aspiration after head and neck cancer

Article Highlights Expiratory strengthening may be a novel therapeutic target to improve airway protection in this population Data suggest functional improvements in swallowing safety in chronic radiation-associated aspirators Maximum Expiratory Pressures (MEP) were reduced in chronic radiation-associated aspirators Reference Hutcheson, Katherine A., et al. “Expiratory Muscle Strength Training for Radiation-Associated Aspiration after Head and Neck…

Young man sleeping

Short-term expiratory muscle strength training attenuates sleep apnea and improves sleep quality in patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Article Highlights Applying a short-term EMST program may improve sleep quality but also reduce sleep apnea symptoms in patients with mild to moderate OSA. This study demonstrates that when patients with mild-to-moderate OSA participate in a 5-week EMST program, their sleep apnea severity, sleep quality, and respiratory muscle strength are improved. Reference Kuo, Yu-Chi, et…

Collage of people with sleep apnea and snoring issues.

EMST to improve deglutition and cough functions

Early on in my career, I was drawn to the wondrous world of swallowology.  I have always been amazed with the intricacy of the neural muscular underpinnings of deglutition and the power of neural plasticity through rehabilitation.  Evidence of improved swallow function with application of exercise physiology and neural plasticity principles has been shown in…