1.  Patients are too sick to begin Respiratory Muscle Strength Training (RMST) in the acute medicine setting:  If you’re sick or weak… You Need Rehab!  Chat it up! We are masters of communication, after all. Address questions, concerns, and misconceptions regarding the use of RMST. Get 15 seconds of fame on rounds, and make it…

No-Leak Speaking Valves and Respiratory Muscle Training: A Perfect Pairing for Early Intervention in the ICU

Research supports the use of respiratory muscle training (RMT) to improve ventilator weaning outcomes, swallow safety, and cough strength (Pitts et al., 2009; Elkins & Dentice, 2015). The use of a no- leak speaking valve, such as the Passy Muir ®Valve (PMV®), allows patients with tracheostomies, even those who are ventilator-dependent, to participate in expiratory…

Recovering From COVID-19 The Long Road: a Single Case Study

Introduction Battling a new and unknown Covid-19 virus over the last year resulted in challenges across healthcare settings. Patients were left with severe debility following prolonged admissions requiring multiple medical interventions. New York City (NYC) was an epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak during the spring of 2020.   Therapists around the country were faced with the…

Patient sitting talking with doctor

Starting a Respiratory Muscle Strength Training (RMST) Program

Respiratory muscle strength training (RMST) is becoming widely used as a treatment modality in the field of speech-language pathology (SLP) for patients with impairments in speech, voice, cough, and/or swallowing. The primary goal of RMST is to increase the force-generating capacity of the inspiratory (inspiratory muscle strength training; IMST) and expiratory muscles (expiratory muscle strength…

Coronavirus Rehabilitation

Post COVID-19 Rehab Program

COVID-19 Background A unique virus that is transmitted person to person, COVID-19 has spurred a rapid global response in search of methods for preventing, testing, and treating the acute symptoms as well as managing the long-term effects of post-COVID care. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure and include shortness of breath, cough, sore throat,…

Lack of sleep?

Suffering from lack of sleep?

If your spouse or partner snores and you’re suffering from lack of sleep, then you’re not alone! According to a sleep association report, bed partners of snorers often only get just 3-5 hours of sleep per night. Often, the snorer also doesn’t get good quality sleep. Anecdotally, users of EMST150™ are reporting that snoring is…

Speech breathing swallow issues

Effects of expiratory muscle strength training on swallowing function in acute stroke patients with dysphagia

Article Highlights Conducted to identify the effects of expiratory muscle strength training on swallowing function in acute stroke patients with dysphagia Stroke is known to be a common cause of neurological diseases and disorders that cause swallowing disorder Acute stroke patients with dysphagia were monitored and examined to determine the effects of EMST. The specific…

Young woman sleeping

Inspiratory Muscle Training Improves Sleep and Mitigates Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Article Highlights The study assessed the effect of daily inspiratory muscle strength training (IMT) on sleep and cardiovascular function in adults unable to use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy Subjects were randomly assigned to placebo or inspiratory muscle strength training Subjects in each group performed 5 min of training each day for 6 w.…

Expiratory Muscle Strength Training and your Voice

The Effects of Expiratory Muscle Strength Training on Voice and Associated Factors in Medical Professionals With Voice Disorders

Article Highlights Twenty-nine participants with voice disorders who are working in a hospital and who are using their voice for more than 4 hours per day were recruited. Study group: EMST 3 days per week and involved performing 25 expiratory exercises (five cycles, each comprising five breaths) for 5 weeks Control group: NO intervention All…

Jogger running up steps

High-Intensity Respiratory Muscle Training Improves Strength and Dyspnea Post-Stroke

Article Highlights Examine whether high-intensity home-based RMST delivered more frequently and for a longer duration would increase the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles, reduce dyspnea and respiratory complications, and improve walking capacity post-stroke. High-intensity home-based respiratory muscle training was effective in increasing the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles and reducing dyspnea…